New Jersey’s Most Expensive Plane Crash
The death of a New World Order heir in 1970 leads us to consider the possibility that Hemingway might have been a "Deep State" construct.
At approximately 7:34 PM, March 18, 1970 a Cessna 402, with three passengers and the pilot, slammed into the gas storage tanks in Elizabeth, New Jersey while attempting to land at Newark Airport.
All four were pronounced dead at the scene.
The long dead Red Bank Register says it was snowing at the time. The FAA report says it was raining. Either way, conditions were less than ideal. The FAA says vision was limited due to haze, and visibility at the scene was three-quarters of a mile or less. The wind was out of the north-east but was only at about five knots.
The crash made the front page of the major New York and New Jersey papers. All four men lived in Monmouth County, and more precisely, within a fifteen-minute drive of Monmouth Park Racetrack in Oceanport, NJ.
The four victims were the pilot, James Loeb, and passengers Arthur Whelan, John Ellis and Amory Haskell Jr.
They were flying back from Sherbrooke, Canada when they hit the gas tanks in Elizabeth.
The death of the four men was big news in Monmouth County back in the day. That one of those killed was Amory Haskell Jr. made the crash especially noteworthy. His father was an important figure in the world of Thoroughbred Racing as the one-time owner of Monmouth Park, at a time when the track would easily draw 30,000 spectators on a Saturday Summer Day.
The Haskell Invitational, generally regarded as the premier horse race after the Triple Crown, with a $1 million purse, is named after Amory Haskell Sr. and is still run every Summer.
The name “Haskell” is what first got our attention when we first stumbled upon the article in the Red Bank Register archives when we were looking for something else, over a year ago, simply because Haskell is a well-known name in Monmouth County and has been for decades.
The lack of biographical information on the pilot and the two other passengers prompted a suspicion that the local newspapers, back in 1970, was deliberate, and if deliberate, there is probably more to the story.
A few articles describe James Loeb, as an experienced pilot who first learned to fly during World War II. The papers never mention that “James” is a nickname and that the pilots full name was Harold Albert Loeb Jr.
Harold Albert Loeb Jr. – Son of “Hemingway’s Schlemiel”
Harold or “James” was the son of Harold Albert Loeb Sr. and the grandson of Albert Loeb, the founder of the investment banking firm Loeb, Rhoades& Co., which after several mergers and name changes, is the company now know as American Express.
Albert Loeb is related to the other Loebs who founded Kuhn Loeb & Co., the Rothchild’s main North American agent bank after the US Civil War.
Harold Jr’s. grandmother was Rose Guggenheim, so between the Loeb and Guggenheim fortunes, Harold Jr. was not just some unlucky pilot, barely worth a mention in the Red Bank Register, he was Wall Street royalty.
Demonstrative of the Legacy Media’s penchant for obfuscation, it actually took a few hours of archival research to figure out who “James” really was. The papers never said his name was Harold, but the Asbury Park Press, another Monmouth County newspaper, did mention James’ father’s name was “Harold”.
It took a look through a North Jersey newspaper to find that James’s father, without mentioning his name, lived in Weston, Connecticut. There was only one Harold Loeb in Weston Connecticut in 1970, so we found his father.
Harold Albert Loeb Sr. actually turns out to be an interesting character, which would take too long to detail. He was a Princeton graduate who went to work for the Guggenheim owned American Smelting and Refining Company (ASARCO) the subject of many conspiracies we have previously written about (here.)
After working for ASARCO, Harold Sr. steamed off to Paris, where he hung out with the various ex-pats, including Ernest Hemingway, who modeled his character Robert Cohn in The Sun Also Rises (published 1926), after Harold Sr.
This article, titled “Hemingway’s Schlemiel” provides more background on Harold Loeb Sr. and his relationship with Hemingway. The article notes that Loeb took Hemingway to Leon Fleischman, “a publisher who offered to pass along Hemingway’s first story collection.”
In the context of New World Order conspiracy theories, there are a few details about Harold Sr’s biography, both subtle and blatant, that are worth deeper consideration. Ernest Hemingway was quite the known anti-Semite and his depiction of Harold Loeb, as Robert Cohn was definitely not flattering.
To the extent The Powers That Be regularly employ a Hegelian dialectic strategy to drive their agenda, we wonder if Hemingway’s rise from obscurity and decades long popularity was at least partially a function of promoting an anti-Semitic “foil” as part of long-term Deep State plans.
We note that Harold Loeb Sr. “poked” Hemingway the anti-Semite in an essay published in 1959 called The Way It Was, more than 30 years after The Sun Also Rises was published. As we have written about previously, there was an apparent rise in anti-Semitic activity in the years 1958 to 1960.
The activity included the bombing of an Atlanta Synagogue by Right Wing extremists on October 12, 1958. (The Synagogue was bombed in the early morning hours when it was empty, and there were no casualties.)
Peripherally related to the bombing, George Lincoln Rockwell was forming his American Nazi Party at the same time in the Washington D.C. area. Additionally, the anti-Semitic antics of weirdo-bachelor-millionaire Harold Noel Arrowsmith Jr., were in full nut-case mode in 1959.
The antics of Arrowsmith included the scuttling of Louis Lichtenstein Strauss’s confirmation as President Eisenhower’s Secretary of Commerce. (More here.)
Harold Sr. himself was a Writer.
If one had a suspicion that a secretive group of a small number of extremely wealthy families have been conspiring to use technology to bring forth a “New World Order” (one world government, etc.) for at least the past 100 years, the title of Harold Sr’s. 1933 book, “Life in a Technocracy” should raise a few eyebrows.
We have not reviewed the book, but Harold Sr’s career veers back from the Café Society, “ex-pat”, novelist track in the 1920s, back on to the Eastern Establishment main-line career track in the early 1930s.
In addition to writing “Life in a Technocracy”, Harold worked as a government economist, took up the cause of Zionism and continued to promote Technocratic utopias to the point the House Un-American Activities Committee declared him a “crackpot” during World War II, according to the “Hemingway’s Schlemiel” article..
Harold Sr. needs a closer look, but this post is about a plane crash in New Jersey.
In Part 2 (and 3 and 4, depending on how long we want to make this) we will take a closer look at Amory Haskell Jr., and how his grandfather monopolized the gunpowder market with Dupont in the first decade of the 20th century.
We will also look more closely at John Ellis, the brother in law of Amory Jr. and uncle of Conan O’Brien’s wife.
The fourth passenger, Arthur Edward Whelan will also get a look. His biography has been the hardest to piece together, which we often find, is because the Deep State wants it that way.
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Harold Loeb – The guy wearing glasses, behind the Lady in the Hat.

Arthur Whelan married "Georgene Ellen Stansberry/ Stansbury in 1956. She died in 2013. Her father was a shipping clerk, according to the Census.